by Ken Hackman, The Godfather
A mini reunion? It may have been a mini reunion, but it was a maximum celebration of friendships, with the sharing of wonderful stories and memories. (Click on pictures to view full photo and right click to download)

The festivities began on Friday when about a dozen of us gathered for a delicious lunch at the Beverly Garland Hotel. After lunch a few went for a Hollywood bus tour of movie stars homes.
I will admit to some trepidation when I was approached and subsequently coerced by the dynamic duo of Zimm and Renee to host the 2022 gathering of AAVS/Combat Camera veterans at my home in Studio City.

However, on D-Day any worries I may have had quickly dissipated when the fantastic staff leapt into action. (God! It’s wonderful to have a “staff” again!) I would take credit but as in the past, I did very little except stay out of the way as my son Jon and wife Vickiy, whipped the exterior and interior of my house into an amazing party condition. Meanwhile the aforementioned dynamic duo, Zimm & Renee, prepped the fantastic food and drink which seemed to magical appear. Kim & Kevin came early and jumped into help. Rosie Reynolds! Now there is a “force of nature”, she arrived days early and being Rosie jumped into assist wherever needed. She was helpful as she and I edited and captioned images from past reunions into a TV slideshow. On another TV, Jose Lopez, our e-Blast guru, presented a beautiful slideshow he created that highlighted our combat camera friends and co-workers in action, juxtaposed with some of the unforgettable images they produced.

The 37 attendees were an eclectic group, including vets from Vietnam, Lookout Mountain, AAVS, Combat Camera and family. From Florida came Georgia & Craig Marchbanks and Rosie Reynolds, Jerry Sexton and Paul Kennedy flew in from Colorado, Evelyn & Scott Stewart and the inimitable Zimm from Las Vegas. Renee Tyron from Charleston, and from Kentucky Kim Kuck & Kevin Peterson.

The others who all came from Southern California were; Jose Lopez, Bob Leach and daughter Janet & granddaughter Kami, Mary Jane Abare, D.J. & Sue Diomedes, Glenn & Elizabeth King, Kent & Linda Pearson, Mike Johnson, Hugh McGowan, Rob Lihani, Bill Diebold, Rick & Mariane Diaz.
War stories, some even true, were in abundance. Suffice to say that I again realized that I was blessed to have had an amazing life sharing opportunities and experiences with a group of some of the most creative, interesting, incredible and wonderful people who I’m proud to call my friends.

Unfortunately, medical issues caused Pat Nugent, Steve Micklas and Paul & Ella Hayashi to bow out at the last minute. We send best wishes and prayers for their recovery. A fire in his area caused Ty Harley to send his regrets.
In a word, it was a wonderful. A gathering of dear friends and co-workers. I would encourage anyone of our old, and not so old, friends to join us at the next mini reunion.
There were many from everyone, sampling: Mary Jane Abare memories of Lookout Mt and her time in Vietnam, Bob Leach’s account of how he saved Charles Sach’s life. Less than favorable memories, were shared by Kent Pearson and Mike Johnson, working for Howie Landau as young officers. Jerry Sexton recounted his interactions with Gen. McPeak. Scott Stewart & Rick Diaz reminisced about the PJ Mexico weekend outings. Rob Lihani continued to deny that he pocketed any of Noriega’s millions during Just Cause. D.J. remembered his covering of the Atlanta Olympics for NBC while still on ABC’s staff!

Wonderful pictures, almost like being there but not quite. It’s a long way from NY City to Studio City so had to sit this one out.
Looks like you all had a wonderful time. Sorry we couldn’t be there for the party and our best.