Pat Knowles, President, USAF Combat Camera Reunion
From our President and Board of Officers
The Board of Officers held a conference call on 15 March, 2018. Topics of discussion included status of the San Diego reunion, preliminary review of our Las Vegas reunion hotel options and progress on a couple of museum issues.
D.J. Diomedes briefed that another partial payment is due soon toward our San Diego hotel food and beverage minimums. We have enough in the bank to cover this, but strongly encourage everyone who plans on attending to register as soon as possible. We realize that all can not commit fully at this time, however, to make hotel reservations costs nothing and can be cancelled 3 days in advance with no penalty. Making hotel reservations will help our organizers make some important preparation decisions prior to the actual registration numbers and monies are in. We are only 6 months away so please make your hotel reservations.
Herb Cintron presented a preliminary review of one of our hotel options in Las Vegas for the 2019 reunion. The board liked the images provided and some of the amenities offered but requested Herb research one or two more options.
Pat Knowles contacted the Norton museum curator regarding the large combat Camera medallions from the front of the old AAVS building. The object of the call was to offer a contribution to help fund the refurbishment of the faded artifacts. Valley Community College has offered to do the rehab of the signs but no charges for the project have been discussed. We offered a donation from our group in the event of any charges from Valley. Additionally, we offered to pay the whole cost if we could procure the medallions for any of our other museum projects but that request was denied. There was no update on the San Antonio museum exhibit.
Pat will be looking for a few volunteers to do a couple of hours each of hosting the hospitality room during the reunion. Barb and Renee have taken the responsibility on for the last several and will still do the set up and supply of the goodies, but we need to give them a break from having to monitor the room so that they may enjoy some leisure time the rest of us have.
The next conference will be held sometime in May. Any concerns from the general membership may be addressed to Pat. gppjk.8@gmail.com