A chance for AAVS Artists to show their stuff on a grand scale.

The museum is working on an Iraq/ Afghanistan FOB exhibit on the southern edge of our property. Part of the exhibit is a line of T-barriers
(the protective concrete barriers used to secure areas in southwest Asia). As I am certain you already know, units often use the barriers as canvases to express pride in their unit, service, and country. Anyone who travels in-theater will see examples of barrier murals, ranging
from very basic to unbelievably complex masterpieces. Each barrier bears the unmistakable character of the artist and the reality of life in a war zone. They have grown into a uniquely military art form (examples above)
Several squadron and units from the base have painted barriers with their insignias. It occurred to me Combat Camera might want to join in.
I know you have a lot of people with artistic skills, any painters?
If it sounds interesting let me know and I will reserve one for you!
Thanks, Jeff Houlihan
Director Collections, Exhibits & Restoration
March Field Air Museum