600th Photo Squadron & 601st Photo Flight Units Gallery

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32 thoughts on “600th Photo Squadron & 601st Photo Flight Units Gallery”

  1. SSgt Randy Kersey Det 3 601St Photo Flt
    Ubon Thailand 1970-71. Assigned as staff photographer for base newspaper, “The Phantom Flyer”.
    Won PACAF Photo of the Month. Photo taken on a Civic Action Mission.

  2. I have not yet joined your Combat Camera Group. Just now stumbled upon your site. I was at Det 8, 1365th Photo Squadron at Tuy Hoa from October 1967 to October 1968. Was anyone else in this group
    also there at that time? Would love to connect. Just knowing there is a way to connect with all of you is pretty cool. Hopefully I can come to your reunion in September.

  3. I was SGT. Mike Meigs with the 601st Photo SQ. out of Korat RTAFB from Sept. 1971- Sept. 1972. My friend Steve Hock and I served together there.

    1. Hi Mike,
      Hope all is well. Just saw your reply. Retired and living in Virginia. Still have a few photos of us there in 1972. Mike Strader also lives in Virginia and we still keep in touch. Take care.


  4. My name is Rick Fulton, and from 1 Oct 1967 until 1 September 1969 I was part of 7th Air Force DXI-C that was home based at Tan Son Nhut. In those couple years, workingh as a writer, I had frequent association with some really fine still and mopix gents from the 600. I have been working on a book about Vietnam, and have some articles you all might find interesting. Am willing to share if interested. Khe Sanh, Hue, Trang Sup Thien Hnong, Bien Hoa. Was on non crew member status and flew a kot with C Flight when it was 71st SOS (Shadows) and also did Spooky stuff at DaNang and Bien Hoa and Pleiku. Thank you all. All the best. Rick

  5. Hello all my name Joe price. My grandfather was there from March 70- Feb 71. He just recently passed and I was able to obtain a plaque that he had with the 600th photo squadron logo. Was just interested to see if anyone knew him. His name was Ron Gardner he retired as a master sergeant.

  6. From Jan 67 – Mar 69 I was at Orlando AFB ( orlando navel training center ) . Then to Andrews AFB for about months, then to Korat AB , Thailand . Was there about two months did some flying on the EC-121’s . Then TDY to Ubon to do some night flying on the A/C-130 Spectre’s . Got reassigned PCS to Ubon until Dec 70 . Stayed with Spectre until Dec 70 . What a great job that was . Living near Houston now . Retired in 1992 as MSgt from Tx Air National Guard , also as photo . A great 24 years in Photo .

  7. Hello. I recently saw a Vietnam Zippo of the 600th Combat Photo Squadron with the name Ray Fischer engraved. Did this serviceman serve with the 600th Photo Squadron?

  8. I’m retired TSGT Nolan P. Scott. I served with Det 4 600 Photo Squadron, Cam Rahn Bay from 1970 to 1971. Our Commander was CMSGT L. Wade (a WWII Bombardier). I later I was sent TDY to Udorn Thailand and worked with the 601 Photo Flight during a major Oper- ations that sent F-4 Fighter Bombers from the states. During my tour at Udron, Capt Richie became an Ace flying one of our F-4Es from Homestead AFB, Fl. Awards and Medals include 2 Air Force Commendation Medals, Vietnam Service Medal, Vietnam Campaign with 5 stars, National Defense, Army & Air Force Good Conduct Medal, Expert Marksman Ribbon. I was also a 402×0 & 404×0 Instructor in Denver.

  9. I was assigned to the 601st Det 3 (Rat Pac) from 1970-71 at Ubon. My AFSC 304×5, TV Maintenance, and I worked with a great group of people in processing the video recorded on the AC-130 Gunships assigned to Ubon.

    1. my husband Edward Sheridan,Jr was there til fall 1970- did you ever hear talk about him. He was with Spectre (c 130’s) and was the photographer when Operation Tailwind was going down

  10. Jim,
    Thx for posting the pics, anything from the 73-74 time frame at Ubon AB when we where the 601st Photo Sq?

  11. What about the 600th PS HQ on Tan Son Nhut, AB – 1967-1969? I submitted a number of b&w aerials of the unit as well as of many of the air bases? If you’re going to have a gallery of archival images of the 600th PS you need to include those who were there at the beginning.

    Dennis S. Johnson, 600th PS – Project Officer – 1968-1969 –

  12. Second from the bottom is 601st Photo Flight, Det.17, Korat RTAFB, Thailand. My station 71 – 72. I have an aerial of it in 1972. Can’t attach here. My guess is that this photo is pre-1971. In 1972 the office trailer was destroyed in a wind storm. I walked that flightline and hangers many times.

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