A Bizarre Day at Korat RTAFB by Steve Hock

Sgt. Steve Hock, Det. 17, 601st Photo Flight

The morning of 2 FEB 1972 dawned cool and bright in central Thailand. After a light breakfast at the chow hall I walked the five blocks to work at Detachment 17, 601st photo Flight at Korat RTAFB.

I was more than a little excited this day as I was scheduled to fly on my first ever EB-66 mission as a combat photographer, escorting B-52s on a raid over North Vietnam. I got to the photo lab early to get my gear and test all the equipment I would be taking along. Take-off was scheduled for sometime around 1100 hrs.

Around 930 hrs, as I was leaving to head over to the personal equipment section to retrieve my helmet, survival vest and .38 revolver, a call came in to the lab that a photographer would be needed immediately as an F-105 (No. 63-8284) had just exploded on take-off!

I obviously couldn’t go so another photographer went on the assignment. I proceeded to get my personal equipment and go on to the pre-flight briefing at 42nd TEWS HQ at the opposite end of the runway. Today we would be escorting 2 “cells” of B-52s from Utapao into North Vietnam.

By the time the briefing was over and we all began making our way out to the aircraft, the air was beginning to get very hot. The EB-66E with SEA camouflage paint scheme just sat there soaking up the heat from that burning Thai sun. When we arrived, the ground crew had just shoved the air-conditioning hoses into the crew cabin and as I squeezed aboard I began to feel the sweat run down my legs. Finally, after a few minutes, the air-conditioning slowly began to overcome the oppressive cabin heat. As I got myself situated on the left side of the aircraft, in what was known as the “gunners seat”, I noted what a horribly small window I had to shoot out of and wondered to myself I could possibly get any images at all ! But hell, I was going and I was determined to try!

With the rest of the crew aboard, the aircraft was buttoned up and the engines began turning. Irreverently referred to as “whining pigs”, the EB-66s were known for their loudness and high pitch of their engines. As the pilot advanced the throttles we screamed our way out of the revetment area. Passing by, I noted the ground crew, some with their “ear muffs” on and others with their hands over their ears to dull the shrieking engines. Slowly we trundled down the taxiway and out onto the run-up area where the final pre-flight checks were completed.

We began our take-off roll in the unusual west to east direction. This was because they did not want us to overfly the F-105 accident scene at the western end of the runway while crews were working to clear the debris. As max power was applied, the plane began to accelerate rapidly and I watched out my tiny window as the foot markers alongside the runway flashed by.

Ground crew clean and ready an EB-66 for another jamming mission over North Vietnam. This particular aircraft was destroyed in combat and became well known from a movie made about the escape of the navigator, Lt.Col. Iceal Hambleton. The movie was "Bat 21" starring Danny Glover and Gene Hackman. Sadly, all other crew members were lost that day as were a number of other crews assisting in the rescue. Sgt. James H. Alley, a motion picture photographer, was on board the ill-fated HH-53 "Jolly 67" that participated in the rescue attempt and subsequently crashed due to ground fire in Quang Tri Province.

Suddenly .. at the point of no return, the pilot called over the interphone that he was aborting the takoff! The press of acceleration quickly reversed and now our chest straps held us in our seats. I could not see directly forward because a bulkhead and the pilot were right in front of me. But by leaning over to the right I could look past the pilot and see out the windscreen and what I saw was the end of the runway and and a big cyclone fence rushing at us at an alarming rate! The pilot was making every effort to brake his unruly steed and at last I could feel us slowing and in a few more long seconds we were finally stopped, just short of the end of the runway. I think I could have thrown a rock and hit that cyclone fence!

Whew … that was close!

We taxied back to 42nd TEWS where the “spare” aircraft was waiting. As we left this plane, an EB-66E, I learned that the spare was an EB-66C ( No. 54-0540) and it did not have a “gunner” seat installed. That meant I would be staying behind.

By this time it was about noon. I knew at some point aerial photos would have to be taken of the F-105 crash site. Rather than return to the Photo Lab, I called MSgt. Skelton T. Duggar, NCOIC of the Photo Lab, to see what was needed. He told me to go to the operations building for the HH-43 Kaman helicopter crews and await further instructions.

A short walking distance away, I went there and spoke to the Operations Officer, told him why I was there and he said they had not received any tasking for aerial photography. I had never seen an Kaman HH-43 “Huskie” close up before so I went outside to wait and look over the unusual aircraft. As I stood there, the “spare” EB-66C, with one less crewmember, screamed past. I was more than a little disappointed.

The runway at Korat RTAFB is well over 6,000 feet long and has a rather pronounced “hump” in it. It was impossible to see from one end of it to the other. When an aircraft took off it was out of sight for a few seconds as it went over the hump until it actually became airborne.

That day, EB-66C (No. 54-0540) became airborne for only a few short seconds. As it cleared the runway, power and control was lost and the aircraft crashed, wheels up, into the overrun area at the west end of the Korat runway. Its’ engine nacelles acting as giant scoops, scraping up grass and stones, sucking them into the engines. The aircraft came to rest on its’ belly with the engines acting like outriggers, holding it upright. ( By this time most of the F-105 crash had been mostly cleaned up.) Luckily, all 6 crew members escaped the crash unharmed.

We soon got the word at Heli Ops that the EB-66 had crashed and that all aircraft were grounded, including the helicopter. Fuel contamination or sabotage was suspected and had to be checked out. An hour passed and we were cleared to fly.

The mission to photograph the crash sites was on and we flew down the runway and made a few orbits of the resting place of the EB-66 as well as the overrun strip where parts of the F-105 still lay. All the while I was clicking away with my trusty Nikon FTn. We continued out over the base perimeter to the west about a half mile off the base to where the compressor phase and main part of the F-105 engine had impacted. Remarkably, it had just missed a guard tower at the edge of the base and continued out over a Thai civilian highway. Fortunately, it landed in an empty field, gouging a long, deep furrow.

The chopper returned to its’ pad and I hitched a ride back to the photo lab.

What a morning, what a day! But I wasn’t done yet. Returning to the lab, the Safety Officer was there needing a photographer to go out to the EB-66 crash site for ground level crash photos, so I went with him for a firsthand look at the damage to the aircraft that I was “almost” on. It was really messed up and never flew again.

Returning to the photo lab once again, I set about putting away my equipment as it was getting late in the day. I hadn’t eaten since early morning and I was looking forward to chow!

Suddenly, the phone rang … ring, ring, …ring, ring,

MSgt. Duggar called out from his office … “Any photographers here … “? “Yes, Sgt. Duggar, Hock’s here”, I yelled. “Grab a camera, somebody will be coming right over to pick you up!”.

Great! Just what I needed. “Where the hell is everybody” I wondered. “Am I the only guy here”? Within minutes the Mortuary Officer arrived. We went out, jumped in his jeep and sped off. As we rolled down the flight line I asked what I was to shoot. “A body”, he quietly replied.

Sgt. Steve Hock captures an EB-66 taking off for another escort mission over the North.

Now I’ve never been big on seeing gore so I asked him to elaborate on what I was going to see. I wanted to prepare myself for the job ahead. A knot formed in my stomach. He told me it was the pilot fatality from the F-105 accident and that he merely appeared to be sleeping. Entering the rather dim, refrigerated container that served as our morgue, I found my subject still clothed in his flight suit, laying flat in a dignified way, and from all appearances, simply sleeping. I took my photos in the most respectful way I possibly could under the direction of the Mortuary Officer and left the container a bit more solemn than I was a few hours earlier. It was one thing to hear about “combat losses”, they are just words … but to see them up close and personal was quite another matter.

The thought crossed my mind that I could have been in the refrigerator that day too. It just wasn’t my turn. It was a sobering thought for a young man barely age 21.

For me, this singular event finally put a human face on the Vietnam War. From then on I tended to think of the conflict in much more human terms. When we “lost a plane”, it wasn’t just the plane anymore. It was the crew of the plane we lost.

It made a big difference …

Epilog :

As No. 54-0540 cleared the runway one of my fellow 601st photographers was busy at the southwest end of the runway documenting the debris and parts of the disintegrated F-105 aircraft (No. 63-8284) for the Accident Investigation Board.

Hearing the EB-66s’ engine whine begin to diminish, he looked up and saw the aircraft begin to sink, strike the ground and careen forward out of control in a huge cloud of dust, grinding to a halt in the overrun area. His immediate thought was of the crew and, disregarding his own safety, he rushed towards the aircraft. In his haste to help, he tripped and fell on the uneven ground and was knocked unconscious and he himself had to be taken to the base hospital.

When I returned to the photo lab after taking the aerial photos of the crash sites, I headed directly to the break room to get myself a cold drink. As I entered the room I saw the crash photographer was there, his 1505 uniform soiled and smudged .. covered with gray ash from falling into the jet fuel burned grassy area next to the runway. He was staring at the floor. He looked up at me for a second, recognized me, then leaped out of his chair and rushed over and threw his arms around me. “I thought you were in that god-damned plane” he said quietly, nearly in tears.

I was totally taken aback because at that point I knew nothing about what had happened to him out along the runway. As we talked I learned all that had happened to him that day. I could not help but be touched and humbled by the care and sincere concern expressed by this young man that I hardly even knew.

Thank you Sgt. XXX, …. I’ll never forget it.

(I’ve withheld the name of this individual to prevent him any embarrassment. He and I know who he is and that all that really matters. -MPJ-

Editors Note: It really was quite a day and a story that needed documenting. There are many more great stories I’m sure. And I hope others will be inspired to tell of their experiences and post some of their own historical, here to for unseen photos languishing in their closets. – Steve Hock

38 thoughts on “A Bizarre Day at Korat RTAFB by Steve Hock”

  1. 618thMASS Det.# 2 or 3 MAC. Was this unit ever there?? I know the parent unit was in U-Tapao, but I can’t find any information on this detachment. They handled all the MAC transit acft. C-124’s C-130’s etc. The Commander at one point was a CWO.

  2. I was there at the time, in the Muntions Squadron. I was riding my bike down the flightline road to work on swing shift when EOD detonated the Shrike missile warhead which they had dragged off the runway in their APC. Almost fell off the bike.

  3. I was in munitions at Korat at that time. I was riding my bicycle down the flight line road on my way to my swing shift duty assignment when EOD detonated the AGM-45 warhead they had dragged off the runway in their APC. Probably should not say where I almost sucked the bicycle seat.

  4. I was at Korat as a Munitions Officer at that time. I think I remember that event as notable due to two aircraft crashing on takeoff on the same day. BTW, I recently received and read through a book from Amazon about the 388th TFW at Korat in 1972. I saw several names and events I recognized, but not this one.

  5. Does anyone remember my Dad: Charles Robert Freeman, he enlisted when he was 17 from Anthony High School in TX. My dad pasted away on August 10, 2018. I am the oldest of 3 girls, My name is June after his sister, I am half Thai, through the Pearl Buck Foundation, my dad whom I never knew anything about came and picked my Sister Luanne up, in 1981 after our mom passed away. All three of his girls had boys, that don’t know anything about him. His eldest joined the Marines, we’re proud of our patriotism, we are just as equally proud of our Thai heritage.

    Any information would be grateful and appreciated.

    1. Hello June, was your father ever stationed in Thailand? Are all of your sisters from the same father? The reason I ask is because I was also stationed at Korat and Ubon 1970-72. I lived in Thailand 2000-2017 searching for American Thais that were looking for their bio fathers. I offer them free DNA testing and we match them with their fathers or families. Thank you sharing your story, Gene FB profile gene.ponce.gsp

    2. Hello June, your story is very interesting. I assist Amer Thais search for their biological fathers. Was Charles Robert Freeman your adopted father? Were all three of you from different father. I am on Facebook profile: gene.ponce.gsp my email address is gspamerthai@gmail.com
      thank you

  6. I was the QC inspector working on the recovery and tagging parts. When I looked up and saw the 66 sliding towards me. Never ran so fast in my life. There was maybe ten of us there.
    It was the 450 gallon tanks that blew up. Not much fire at the crash site. The F-105 engine flamed out. Never forget. That day

  7. In 69-70 I was serving in Tan Son Nhut, VN with the 377th SPS K-9. On this particular day a Navy cinematographer came to our kennel with this story. He had recently visited a K-9 cemetery (maybe in DaNang) and noticed all the dogs had crosses over their graves. Being Jewish he wanted to show there were Jewish dogs too. He recruited me and my dog Casey to prove it. He followed me through a jungle area shooting from a lower angle and at a point on the trail I stopped and my dog sat in the heel position. As he sat down the Jewish star we’d tapped on his back came into view. I’d be interested in finding this 5 min video or a still from it. If you could direct me to the appropriate Navy combat archive I would be appreciative. Thank you in advance even if you are not able to help.

  8. I was stationed at Korat 69-72. In the Comm Sqdn we had nothing to do with the aircraft per se, except that the tower was a major telephone cable junction (cross-connect) so for any phone issue up and down the flightline, the tower was always first place to start. I recall when the B-66’s arrived and of course the terrible crash just off the end of the runway. Many times as we pulled up to the tower to begin we’d have to pause because an emergency was in progress with vehicles lined up; base commander, chaplain, fire and ambulance… One such emergency was a B-66 circling because his landing gear was down but could not be confirmed locked. After what seemed a long time, a call for help was made to an engineer at the Douglas offices in the states. His solution was to make a series of sharp turns or banks – which allowed centrifugal force to throw the gear down and lock.

  9. As a Korat vet 69-72 I was in 1998 Comm Sqdn. Had a telephone trouble call at the Comm Center. A phone was out in the photo reconnaissance room. Easy fix, but then the officer in charge showed me the b/w photo mosaic all pasted together around the wall. It was looking down on a major portion of the Ho Chi Minh Trail. It was all gray jungle foliage with the trail showing as a thin line snaking through. He had a stereo scope set on a tripod over another couple of photos and he asked to look and see how many vehicles I could pick out around a small clearing. I counted 5 or 6.. then he pointed out about 18 others. He replaced those pics with another set showing the same area. He said these were after a B-52 strike had been called in.. The little gray trail (about the size of a pencil lead) was now 3 inches across – total obliteration. The commonly heard analogy was “like the surface of the moon”.

  10. April 27, 2023

    I was the F4-E Crew Chief of Aircraft JJ 493 while assigned to the 34th TFS at Korat from November 1971 thru December 1972.

    I happened to be on end-of-runway duty checking returning aircraft for hot brakes, leaks, or battle damage and personally witnessed both the F-105 Wild Weasel and the EB-66 crash within several hours of each other.

    According to a newspaper clipping I have from the Pacific Stars & Stripes dated Friday, February 4, 1972:

    2 AF Jets Crash at Korat AB

    BANGKOK (AP) – Two U.S. warplanes crashed on takeoff within two hours at Korat AB northeast Thailand Wednesday, killing one American and injuring a second, Thai military authorities announced.

    The crashes were confirmed by a U.S. Embassy spokesman.

    Thai official sources said the crashes may have been caused by sabotage.

    The first crash involved a Republic F105 Thunderchief, converted to the role of “Wild Weasel,” or missile suppression aircraft.

    According to Thai and American sources the plane lost power on takeoff and crashed in think shrub a short distance from the base.

    The pilot and radar operator ejected, but the pilot’s parachute failed to open, and he was killed instantly. The radar officer was injured.

    The second crash came a little more than two hours later to an EB66 reconnaissance plane, also while taking off.

    The undercarriage malfunctioned and the pilot maneuvered to put the plane back on to the runway from where it skidded into the grass, catching fire. There were no injuries in the second crash, Thai authorities said.

    Thai sources suggested sabotage by Communist terrorists caused both crashes.

    But a U.S. Embassy spokesman discounted this, sawing two crashes on the same day were an unfortunate coincidence.


    I do not have photos related to the crashes, but have a clear recollection of both.

    If I can be of any other help feel free to reach out to me and we can arrange to discuss further.

  11. Hi
    I was stationed at Korat 1970 – 73. I was on the flight line when the crash happened.
    17-MAY-1972 F105G
    Crashed on landing at Korat AFB, Thailand. After landing following an “Iron Hand” mission, there was a shimmy and a tire blow out. Then the left main gear collapsed which ended up igniting the fuel tank. Fire ensued and both men evacuated the A/C safely as soon as it stopped. Pilot Maj. Donald W Kilgus and EWO Maj. James G Dozier evacuated unharmed.Three on ground (two US and four Thai were killed when AGM-45 missiles exploded during fire fighting.
    When the AGM 45 exploded I saw 3 firefighters at the wing. That was the last thing saw. My buddy and were blown over. With God’s grace we survived. Hope this helps.

    1. I was there hanging a engine on a F-4 we saw what happend and jumped in to our Tug thinking we could help but it was too late we lost two friends (fire fighters) and the 4 Thai Nationals that still hunts me to this day

  12. Hi, Thank you for the moving account of your experiences at Korat. I had a close friend who was killed in what I understood was an off-base incident that happened at about that time. I have never been able to find any significant details about the incident. If you know of such an incident I would very much appreciate any information you may have. Thank you.

    Jim Harris

  13. I remember that day well, very sad indeed. I was part of the detailed clean up crew and removed some hydraulic parts of of both aircraft for the investigation team.

  14. I worked Bench Stock in Supply at Korat AB from Nov 71 to Feb 73. While I was delivering foam to the fire department on the hill over the flight line, an F-4 landed on fire still hot with ordinance. I had just spoken to a really decent sgt at the Fire Dept when this plane landed directly across from the FD. I watched as the fire crew went out to try to put the fire out before it hit the ordinance. I watched as many died. Such a sad day. Yes there were other crashes. I did not know any other of the casualties. May they all rest in peace.

    1. Jeannette, I recall my father stationed Korat RTAB 1971-73 mentioning emergency landing on fire F-4, resulting tragedy killing I believe said around a dozen (perhaps more) arriving on scene to lay down foam and water. Phantom fighter with all its “hot” ordinance cooking off, loud explosions heard all over the base. I believe he said most of if not all the victims were Thai firefighters, perhaps you know if true. RIP. My dad 27 year air force veteran retired 1976 as E-9, passed away age 80 in 2007. Thank you for your service.

      1. I was an air traffic controller stationed at Korat the day of the accident. As I remember there were 7 firefighters that died when the bomb exploded. 6 of those were Thai firefighters and one AF firefighter. It was a sad day.

        1. Hi Werner … you are thinking of a different incident. There were no bombs or fire this day. The F105 was on a maintenance check ride, un armed, and the EB-66 had no armament. The only fatality was the F-105 pilot.

      2. I remember an event where an F-105G nose gear collapsed on landing, one of the external tanks was ruptured, causing a fire that killed several firefighters when the AGM-45 missile warhead exploded. I was told that EOD on the scene said to withdraw, but the Vice Wing Commander said to continue the fire fighting.

  15. I was in the Barrier Alert Crew from Dec 71 to Dec 72. I watched the -66 slide off the runway captured in the over-run barrier (ship chain and webbing). Since this barrier was designed for fighters, the weight of the -66 made it ineffective. This day meant a lot of work for many folks at Korat. I had to testify at the accident board inquiry.

  16. I am trying to find more information on 105 and a f4 phantom crashes around late 1971 or early 1972 at Korat RTAFB. In your article Steve Hock mentions having taken pictures. I would like to talk to anyone who saw any of the crashes.

    1. Leon. I’m sorry an can’t help you with any actual crash photos. The policy at the time I was there was that all photos went to the Accident Investigation board. No exceptions. No one was to make personal copies due to the sensitivity of the issue. Particularly in the case of “fatal” accidents. I was told not to do it … and I didn’t.


    2. I was a crew chief on F105 in 1966 67. My bird crashed on takeoff. Pilot ejected swung once and hit the ground. It was last silver bird on base

      1. I watched the pilot’s chute stream and pop open, which stopped his forward motion and he hit the runway. 20 foot lower and he wouldn’t be with us. I was outside the Army Aviation hootch on the east end of the runway.

  17. I served from December. 1971-1972 at Korat Rtafb as crew chief on EB-66 model E aircraft tail# 54-435 with the 42nd tews / 388th combat support group under the command of col. Jack E Tullet .

  18. I left Viet Nam and was sent to Korat Apr 73 assigned to 42nd TEWS. I was a MSgt in administration assigned to the Orderly Room, it was an odd experience being one of the few enlisted men in the squadron. Kind of Chief Clerk and 1st Sgt and so on. Really enjoyed reading your article. One of the most memorable things I can remember is them getting all of the EB-66 in the air at the same time and flying over the base in formation.

  19. Steve,
    I worked the End Of Runway Inspection Crew @ Korat from Nov 71-72. I was on duty that day and unfortunately saw both aircraft go in. More importantly, I have two questions for you. First, do you belong to the Korat RTAFB Vets Group on Facebook? Secondly, how is your inventory of Korat photos from that time frame? A number of us worked on, or near the perimeter and we are in dire need of any photos that show spraying taking place @ Korat, or bare spots (devoid of vegetation) in/on/at/near the perimeter. The guys need these photos for their disability claims, since DOD admitted that they used herbicides @ Korat from Jun 72 onward. I did write to the 601st website, but have not yet received a reply. Any and all assistance would be appreciated.
    Bill Brown

    1. Bill, 3 of us were sent to Udorn RTAFB to attend herbicide training. I was tasked to remove all vegetation inside the perimeter fences and around the runway lights. I set up the program and selected the products and equipment. An A1C and myself did all of the initial spraying. No photos were taken of us that I am aware of. If you are looking for a claim from herbicide health damage, good luck. It was difficult wearing protective equipment because of the heat. At one point I was sprayed directly in the face and eyes from a burst hose. The aid station washed my eyes, and I recovered in a few days. The herbicides I selected to use were relatively safe, and exposed for months and years after that, I suffered no health problems related to it. After killing the vegetation, the residue was washed away by rains fairly quickly. Not what you wanted to hear, probably.

  20. Hi, I served with the 42TEWS from Feb 1971 to March 1972. When we had the 3 crashes it was on my day off. I believe the last Eb 66 to crash was aircraft # 522. I was the crew chief on that plane the next day. I had the responsibility of putting it back together. I believe it took us about 6 weeks. My commander was flying that aircraft. I was a 21 year buck Sgt. I had heard that the aircraft had tumbled and burned an the pilot had parachuted out and landed in the fire and burned to death. I feel better about your account. There are more stories about that squadron. If you want to know more let me know and I can give you my versions. One story concerns a dope deal that got busted, pretty funny story.
    Al Eles

    1. Sir,
      I was a Sgt at Korat from Sep 73 to Sep 74, having come up from U-Tapao, and married a WAF 29150 while there (still together after 49 years). As I remember, the 42TEWS was supposedvto take all their birds home, but the first two/three crashed on take-off, so they destroyed them in place. Is my memory as screwed up as I think it may be? Loved Shakey’s!

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