by Ken Hackman

What’s their story? I wonder what my Mother, Dad, Brother, Sister did in their life. What about all the friends you made while serving in the military? I wonder what their story is.
As a certified “old” man I have a lot of time to think and question. I’ve met some pretty fantastic people in my lifetime, and I often wonder what is the rest of their story? Eight years ago, around Veterans Day I thought about my four brothers and two brother-in-law’s and their time in the military. I realized, besides the fact that they all served in the military, I had no idea how, what or where? I wished I had asked them questions, but I didn’t and by the time, eight years ago, when I decided to pursue their lives in the military, five of the six had passed.
Back to the fantastic people I’ve met, worked and played with, what is “your” story? I am not an active participant on Facebook. I often look at some of the posts from my friends and acquaintances where you talk about this or that event. I know you all have stories and we; your many friends would like to hear more!
On our website there is a tab titled “Stories”. There are only four stories posted! You may not know or remember the four, but their stories will be on the website forever. YOUR STORY should be there also. Not only for the people you served with but your family, wife, children, grandchildren who would have a written memory of their Dad, Mother, Brother, Sister, Grand mom, Grand dad.
How to you do your story? It should be a story, not a biography or resume, that you sit down and write. Where were you born, siblings, parents, childhood, school, military service, civilian jobs, awards, recognitions etc.? Many people resist the thought of writing. What do I say? How do I start? Today just like the past you sit down and start typing or writing. Once you start you will be amazed at how the words begin to fill the page.
I suggest you use “Word” for your story. I like it because you can simply drag those old digitized photos into the Word document. As you can see in my website profile, I used a lot of photos, imagine that?? If you have questions, feel free to contact me. I really want to know more about my fantastic friends!