Date of Birth: 7/13/1948
Date of Casualty: 12/6/1969
Home of Record: WOONSOCKET
State: RI
Branch of Service: AIR FORCE
Rank: A1C
Panel/Row:15W, 31
Casualty Province: BINH DINH
Note: Vietnam, s/o Kenneth and Lucille
Burial: Saint Ambrose Cemetery, Lincoln, Providence County, Rhode Island, USA
I was a hootch mate with Alan Curtis for about a month before he died. It was very shocking to all of us at Phu Cat Detachment 16. It haunts me to this day. I went to The Wall’s 40th Anniversary Celebration 2 years (ago on Veterans Day) to speak his name (and others I knew) during that event. Very solemn and moving as the names of the fallen echoed off the monuments. It was worth every effort to get there and honor them.